Hi, I'm Ebony, or Mrs Maker, as my son likes to call me.
A Darling Find is all about beauty and gift giving. Some of my earliest, fondest memories were around Christmas time. Lifting open my Santa Sack and discovering the special gifts my mum had carefully sourced from markets or quaint little gift shops (at the time I just thought it was Old Saint Nicolas that had all that class) but I'm honestly so thankful to my mum for opening up the world of quality over quantity, of unique finds, of beauty and magic. And I'm thankful to my dad for teaching me how to build and create and be resourceful with whatever was in my hand. I only began sewing when I became a mum to my three little ones and my thoughtful Hub surprised me with a sewing machine. It really is due to all of these wonderful influences in my life that have lead me to this moment. I value family.
So, now, here I am, desiring to be that little bit of hidden beauty you discover on the Internet and go "wow." I want your children to unwrap their gifts and hold them and feel that same warmth and magic and awe that I felt as a child. I believe in the power of beauty and the good that is does for the human soul. I'm so excited and thankful to use my hands for this special task.